Well, yesterday's post was a wicked Debbie Downer (SNL, anyone?) post and I apologize for that...there are just sometimes when you just feel out of the game. In fact, yesterday I made my way to the gym after work and literally sat in the parking lot for 5min trying to decide if I should go in and run my 5miles or just go home (those last three words should be read in an Eeyore voice). I ended up forcing myself to get out of the car and into the gym and got my 5miles done.
And you know what? I felt better. l knew I had to do it, I did it and felt better for it.
Other than just letting you know about my quick workout last night, I wanted to fill you in on what's been happening training wise - some good stuff! (Don't let yesterday's post fool you. I am fully prepared!)
2nd 20 miler recap - For some reason, spring in New England means one thing: Wind. And while it provides for excellent resistance training....I hate it. And on this particular 20miler, the wind was with me as I ran away from home, and therefore, against me as I ran towards home. I headed out on the hills in my neighborhood, over to the lake and then down into Melrose. It was as I was coming out of Melrose, back to the lake that was the killer. Sustained 20mph winds. Ugh. It was rough, but I finished and felt better than I had the previous 20 - sore, but the right kind of sore, not the hurt kind of sore. My pace was 10:32's.
3rd 20 miler recap - Finally, a beautiful sunny spring day with less wind! Only 13mph! I ran mainly the same route, just did the lake twice before heading in to Melrose (I couldn't bear the thought of doing it again after I came back to Wakefield!). This time the wind was against me as I ran away from home....and therefore, with me as I ran back towards Wakefield. This time I felt even stronger and better than the previous. Perhaps it was the wind or perhaps my body was just getting used to these ridiculously long runs! This time the pace was 10:09's - WHAT?!
Chase the Gorilla recap - Each year, for the past 4 years, I have run a race in Ipswich, MA called Chase the Gorilla Down Argilla. It's a fun little 5K put on by the YMCA of the North Shore. I don't know why I like it so much...but I always enjoy it when I do it, if I'm alone or with friends. This year my friend, Jocelyn, ran it with me. It was her first 5K (not including her track/CC career in HS)!! This was just one day after my 20miler and I was thinking we'd just take it slow...but Joci decided to push her pace and ran faster than ever before! She finished with a time of 30:22, which equals to 9:45's! Great Job, Joci!!!
Lexington Patriot's Day 5miler recap - Again, I have run this race each year for the past 3 years. It's in the town where I work and just a fun, hilly course. A few coworkers usually participate as well. After Friday and Saturday's runs I decided I wasn't going to push myself but merely enjoy the run and consider it a training run with 500 running buddies. I did and felt great about my time (45:45/9:09pace). Also, on this day was The Boston Marathon...and what an amazing run by all the elites! A new World Best was set as well as PR's by all the top Americans. Too cool! Congrats to everyone who ran this course (special shout-out to Josh Piotrowski who ripped up the course!!)...someday I hope to get there!
Phew. That's the big stuff. Obviously there are other little runs thrown in here and there. But you get the idea. If you stuck through all of that, I thank you! And I promise to try and no longer post anything like yesterday's again. :)
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