Saturday, April 14, 2012

countdown to boston - photo #5

Currently the weather prediction is 86deg and sunny.  I'm more nervous about this than I am the Newton Hills!  The key is to just slow down and stay hydrated and as cool as possible.

With that in mind, I picked up a few items yesterday for my friend John to have available at the places he'll be watching for me.  Below is my marathon emergency kit.  :)


Anonymous said...

Praying for you pal! As soon as I saw the weather report - I felt your pain! You can do this and you are smart for the emergency kit! Good luck!!!!

Katrina said...

What's really funny to me is there is a point here in Georgia when 86 is a welcomed cool-weather run. Stay safe my friend - you can do it! (Get the sunblock ready too...just sayin') xoxoxo WISH I WAS THERE!