Friday, May 18, 2012

fake fit

I would say I'm pretty fit.  I'm in the best shape of my life.  I can run for miles and miles, enjoy it, and not feel sore the next day.  I can carry on a conversation while running with friends and not feel winded.  But am I truly, overall fit?

This question was answered for me this week.  I have run everyday since Saturday (minus Tuesday) and topped that off with a Zumba class on Wednesday and a Box and Burn class yesterday.  Both of these classes kicked my butt, seriously.  Typically Zumba doesn't wear me out...but it was stinkin' hot in the room.  And then we stayed for a 10min ab session.  Let's just say I need to keep working on my abs.

The Box and Burn class was awesome.  It was pretty much cardio kickboxing with a few pilates thrown in at the end for good measure.  I loved it, absolutely...but after a 5.5mi run it was INtense.  Today my arms, abs, and back are all letting me know that last night's class was a success.  And it lets me know that I need to keep doing these kinds of classes to get more overall fit, not just running fit. 

I'm thinking about joining a boot camp class that meets at my lake in the mornings during the summer.  Have any of you done a boot camp...I'm a little nervous.  Maybe I'll try it Bridesmaids (the movie) style and hide behind a tree for the first few classes... 

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