Monday, August 13, 2012

hunger on the commute

This morning, I dragged my bum outta bed and went for a 5mi run around the lake.  Other than the bugs that congregate near the pretty side, it was lovely!  It was cool(ish), about 70deg, but lots of humidity.  This summer has been crazy humid and I know I've been complaining a lot.  I apologize.  But it's been hard! 

After a quick shower and a cup of coffee, I headed into work.  Typically, it takes about 30min door to door.  I usually bring a travel mug of coffee with me and have breakfast at the office.  This morning, however, I figured I'd stop at the grocery store near my office and pick up some things for breakfast for the week and make coffee once I make it to work.

Little did I know there was a crazy accident on the highway and traffic was backed up for MILES.  It took me over an hour to go three miles.  THREE MILES. I apologize for shouting...but it was incredibly frustrating.  Being that I had just gone for a run, I was beginning to get hungry.  Thankfully, I remembered that I had some leftovers from the freebies given out at the Half Marathon I just ran that I'd left in the car.  Sustenance!   Protein!  After leaving my house at 8am, I arrived at work at 9:30am.  Since I had my snacks in the car, I didn't need breakfast but I sure was glad to get some water and another cup of coffee!!!

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