Saturday, September 15, 2012

it's here!

So, I swapped my long run days around this weekend because today looked to be pretty iffy, weather-wise.  Of course now it is a bright, sunshiney day.  But this morning...oh, this morning!  After the rains had ended, I headed out for an 8-9miler.  And it was glorious!  Cloudy, mid-sixties, a bit windy - just perfect!  There were leaves crunching on the ground beneath my shoes.  There was a crispness in the air.  Fall is here!!

This is the kind of weather I've been waiting for all summer...okay, well, since the end of July at least.  I love the summer and for a long time it was absolutely my favorite season.  But since I've been running more and training for fall marathons, it has quickly become my second favorite season - well, it's tied for second with spring.  Winter is obviously in last place.  Fall has absolutely become my favorite.  And I'm so glad that it is finally here!

I got a solid 4mi in last night with my friend, Ellen.  Today, I ran another 8.7mi.  And tomorrow, I'll finally tackle that 16miler.  Now I'm off to buy some run some errands, which includes buying apples to make a pie or a crisp or both!  Mmmm, fall tastes yummy...

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