Tuesday, September 11, 2012

lost my movo

I had a sense that at some point along the way, I'd have these feelings.  Of the I-don't-feel-like-running variety.  Well, they're here and I'm finding it hard to get some motivation.  Oh, I know I have to run...but right now I'm finding it hard to want to run. 

This is not unusual.  It happens to me more often than maybe I'd care to admit.  Don't get me wrong, I love to run.  I love the way it makes me feel, both in the moment and when I'm done.  But it's the getting out there that is proving to be the problem right now. 

Since the 25K I have run a total of 9.5 mi.  In a week!  That is not enough, my friends.  But it's what I've done and it'll have to do.  However, this cannot continue.  I must find my movo and get my bum in gear...  Why?  Because I have back to back half marathons coming up in 3.5weeks.  Which means I need to get some back to back long runs in as well as all the midweek maintenance runs.  (In telling you all this, I'm psyching myself up, giving myself some accountability.)

This weekend will be a long run.  Like, really long.  16mi long.  Then for my next trick - ;) - I'll try to pull off an 8-10miler on Sunday.

Do me a favor and ask me about my runs on Monday, won't you?  

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