Monday, March 28, 2011

only 10 miles

This weekend was a shorter long slow distance.  I realized that is a contradicting sentence...but it does make sense in terms of training.  After a 20miler the week before, the training plan calls for either a 12mi run or a 10K race.  Which confuses me because a 10K is half the distance...but I'd be pushing myself harder than if I was running I guess it would even out in the exertion category.  But I digress!  Back to this weekend.

Saturday was a beautiful day, if you were inside a nice warm house looking out.  The sun was shining, birds chirping...the whole "springy" bit.  Once you got outside, however, things changed a bit.  The wind was blowing at a consistent 15mph.  The temp was a mere 31deg.  My friend, Jocelyn - who is getting back into running, joined me for the first loop around the lake.  It was tough going but we made it with a pace of 11:55min/mi. 

After sending Joc on her way to walk back to her car, I proceeded to battle the wind on the ugly side of the lake again relishing in the pretty side where the wind was pushing me.  I passed through Wakefield Center, over the tracks to my neighborhood where there were a couple of hills waiting for me.  My final 6.5mi were at a pace of 9:15.  Feel pretty good about that! 

Once I got over the wind, and got warmed up, the run was really enjoyable.  I took some time to pray for things going on with my friends, with my family, with myself.  It was great to spend the morning. 

And it was great to pamper myself by meeting a couple of friends at a local salon for a mani/pedi...but did I deserve it after only 10mi?!  :)  (The answer is Yes.  Yes, I did.)

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