Thursday, December 29, 2011

what i did with my christmas vacation

I hope you all had a delightful Christmas season!  I am still glad we did not have snow.  :)  Here's a photo journey through the past few days.  Enjoy!

Christmas Eve Service Drama at Grace Chapel
Christmas Morning flight to Louisville - Good morning!

Quirky breakfast joint with really good food!

tasting Kentucky Bourbon mash (pre-liquor stage) at Maker's Mark Distillery
Tasting finished product!  Much better than the mash. 

Dinner.  The most amazing steak I've ever had.
Dessert.  Chocolate Bourbon flavored mousse.  YUM.
Dad and Mom
Me and Ben - brother
Downtown Louisville
Sunset over Philly Wednesday Night...almost home
And that was it!  Now it's back to the real world.  What did you do over the holidays?


grandma dek said...

Hi Angie! HAd fun with your mom and dad at wedding-tho quick trip! Heard you had a great steak-they were telling me about marathon-I am slow to catch that I have a computer that works I'll read thru old stuff.stay tuned:) Love always, Aunt D.

Carol Hochhalter said...

Wonderful pictures, Angie! We've had a wonderful week... so much fun with the family around, beautiful wedding, new son-in-law, delightful times with family! I'll post some pictures pretty soon! Today was day 36 of running, and I'm starting to make a post-New Year's Day plan for running. Thanks for getting me started!! Love, Carol