Friday, December 23, 2011

an open letter to december

Dear December,

It’s been so wonderful having you around again this year.  I love all that you bring:  ugly sweater parties, holiday baked goods, delightful joyous music and of course, Christmas – a time to celebrate Christ’s birth with friends and family.

Despite all the good things you bring, I must confess I am not always delighted to see you.  In years past you have not been so kind, bringing with you freezing temps and snow – ugh!  But this year you have been the most pleasant guest.

You’ve brought along mild temperatures, sunny days and dry ground.  I’ve had countless runs in your comfortable temperatures where I haven’t had to worry about dodging puddles covered in ice or creeping around snow piles to ensure that drivers see me – who are no doubt crazy with panic over last minute Christmas shopping.  I’ve been able to enjoy running outside in far less layers than in the past, which translates into less laundry.  

I know there are some who long for a white Christmas.  Who wish for the trees to be laden with snow.  Who wish for sledding and snowball fights.  I am not one of them.  I am very much enjoying the delay in the snow this year.  In fact if your relatives, January and February, would like to not bring it with them either when they come to stay, I would much appreciate it.

Again, December, thank you for visiting again this year.  And thank you for bringing with you all the good and none of the snow.  I understand you’ll be staying with us a few more days.  Do me a favor and keep up the good behavior.  
Yours Truly,

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