Friday, March 30, 2012

silly immune system

Well, I had a feeling this might happen.  And it did.  I got sick.  It's nothing major; a cough, runny nose, sneezing, headache, the usual suspects.  The thing is, it's miserable enough that I don't want to feel like this on race day.

I read a lot of articles and blogs about running, marathon running in particular (shocking, I know...).  So I know that when you're in the big month of lots and lots of miles each week, you need to be good about staying away from sick people, getting lots of sleep and being extra careful about germs because your body has less energy to fight off the nasties - it's too busy trying to recover from hours of running. 

Apparently, I wasn't too careful about one or more of the items listed above.  For the record, I don't think it's the lack of sleep.  I'm a hardcore 8-9hrs of sleep a night kind of a girl.  Whatever happened or however it happened, it happened.

I stayed home from work yesterday, drank tons of water and tea, rested up (by watching old episodes of Felicity and Parks and Rec - Thank you, Netflix!).  I'm feeling better today but know that I will be out late tonight and up early on both Saturday and Sunday.  Time to hit up my local Walgreens for some vitamin C and anti-bacterial gel.  I'm pretty sure this will go away by Marathon Monday...Let's all hope so!

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