Friday, May 25, 2012

flashback friday #1

Many of you don't know much about me other than I like to run, write about running, and try to make people laugh (with me, of course, not at me).  But, I'm always talking about what I used to be like.  So for the next few Fridays I thought it would be fun to show you some pictures of me as I grew up.

Today's picture is from when I was 4yrs old.  How cute am I?!  Please don't judge the ruffly lace too harshly, it was the 80's after all.  My mom used to braid my hair after I took a bath at night and I would sleep in the braids so that my hair was curly the next day.  I always wished my pin straight hair was curly...the ol' wanting what I don't have feeling many of us have.

I honestly don't remember too much about being 4 years old...  One memory that does stick out is from the summer.  The ice cream truck drove by and my brother and I each got to choose one treat.  I got the red, white, and blue rocket pop.  It was my go-to treat.  My dad took a picture of me sitting in the driveway in my lawn chair with a big smile on my face and popsicle juice dribbling down my chin. I was wearing a Sesame Street t-shirt.  Life was pretty easy back then...

Next week's picture:  3rd grade.

1 comment:

grandma dek said...

Love these posts-keep it up.