Thursday, June 14, 2012

race recap #2

What a week!  I can't believe it's Thursday already, and I haven't posted my race recap yet...  Many apologies.

Last Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day!  The weather was gorgeous, if a bit on the warm side for running long.  I got down to Seekonk with about 45min to spare before the race began.  Luckly it was a small crowd (only 111 ran the half) so registration and bathrooms were not super busy.

I spent the majority of the race thinking through the pros and cons of the course, water stations, swag bag, etc.  Here's what I came up with:


  • Small crowd - no weaving in and out of people.  For a large portion of the race, I was by myself.
  • beautiful course - we wound around neighborhoods and back country roads.  At one point, I caught a glimpse of the ocean far off in the distance.
  • Nice people - every volunteer was offering up a smile and a good job.  The registration table volunteers were friendly and helpful, in the bigger races they can seem harried and too busy.
  • Swag bag - we got a pretty good swag bag filled with a full size Muscle Milk, granola bar, Hammer Gel (like Gu) and a Tshirt that I will actually wear.  
  • Hilly course - the hill at mile 11 was a killer.**
  • Far away - this is not a "con" for the race organizers, just for me personally.
  • Plastic cups - the water stations had plastic or styrofoam cups.  For two reasons this is a con for me: 1. they don't biodegrade like paper cups do, and 2. they are harder to drink from.  A paper cup you can bend into a spout and gently sip water from it.  A plastic cup doesn't bend and therefore you end up inhaling the water or spilling it all over yourself (which on a hot race day isn't bad)
  • Not fueled enough - again, this one is on me.  I went to a couple graduation parties the night before and didn't get a good meal.  Picking at snacks does not a dinner make.  Lesson learned.
  • Hilly course - the hill at mile 11 was a killer.**
** You'll note the hilly course on both the pro and con lists.  I love 'em but I hate 'em.  

Over all I had a great experience, I don't think I would do it again unless I had friends with me - it was a lonely car ride!  But there is talk of a marathon being organized for next year.  Interesting...

After the race, I quickly headed home to get ready for an afternoon of grad party hopping.  My friends and I were able to attend four parties that afternoon/evening and though I was completely exhausted by the end of the night, it was well worth it to be there for my girls.

I'm taking it easy this week with less mileage and some easier runs.  A few here, a few there.  Still haven't found a July half...  Would running an unsanctioned 13.1 be legit?  

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