Tuesday, July 10, 2012

come run, or come eat

So, remember I'm doing this whole 12 half marathons in 12 months?  It's been awhile since my last one back on June 10th.  Well, this Saturday will be number 3!  If you recall, I couldn't find a half marathon within a reasonable distance from my house so I'm making up my own.

On Saturday, I'll be running 4+ laps of Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield.  I'll be starting from the green near the bandstand and the old stone church at 8am.  I would LOVE it if I had some company for one or all of the laps!!  You can run with me or run, jog or walk at your own pace.  After the 13.1mi, we'll have some coffee and food at my place. 

You don't have to participate in the running or walking to join us for breakfast afterwards.  The half should finish up around 10:15-10:30am, so meet us at the lake then and we'll head back to the house. 

Let me know if you'll be joining me!  I hope you will!

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