Friday, July 20, 2012

flashback friday #9

As a sophomore, I took some classes that I actually wanted to take, like Latin and Ceramics.  I also had to take classes that I didn't want to take, like Geometry and World History. 

I turned 15 years old and skipped my first class.  I wore mens' clothing (shirts and jeans) because they were baggy and loose.  I also wore this beauty of a shirt:  purple corduroy button up from Eddie Bauer.  Yeah! 

I don't know what it is about school photos...but they are typically bad.  Especially mine.  You know, because you've seen them.  I mean, why am I asked to look up so high in this photo?  What am I supposed to be looking at.  Why are we never asked to look into the camera? 

Whatever the reason, here it is:  Sophomore year in all it's glory. 


Erin said...

I love that you remember where you bought your shirt.

Becky said...

Those shirts were quite cool in the day... I don't think I owned one, but I remember liking them. I think they asked us to look at the top of the camera...the natural look?