Friday, October 19, 2012

2, 5, and 7

I have three more races planned for the remainder of 2012.  Is it just me, or did this year absolutely FLY by?!  April 16th feels like just yesterday...  Alas, we are in the last months and rapidly darkening days of 2012.  It's been a fun year, challenging in many ways but fun.  Perhaps we'll get to that sometime in December...there's no use in recapping the year just yet!  As I said, I have another three whole races on my calendar.

2 - In two weeks, I'll be up in Newburyport with 1500 other women and 1 man running the All Women and One Lucky Guy Half Marathon.  I find it interesting that I no longer think twice about this distance.  For a long time running a half was a Big Deal.  And now, I'm not even obsessing about the weather or what I'll wear!  What I am thinking about and getting excited for is celebrating my birthday with brunch after the race with friends.  Yay!

5 - Prepare to have your mind blown:  Thanksgiving is just 5wks away.  Yep.  Whoa.  I've run the Feaster Five in Andover the past two years.  The past two years upon completing the race I say, "Never again."  It is the definition of crowded.  10,000 people take to the streets of a small New England town at the same time to run on the same streets.  And yet, every year, I have friends running it...and I can't NOT run a race that friends are doing too!!!  This year there are at least 10 people I know running it.  Want to earn your turkey?  Join us!  Oh, did I mention every runner gets a free pie when they finish?  (Now you know what my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner is...)

7 - Marathon time!!  I am getting SO excited for this race, I can't even tell you!  It's not that I'm excited to run another 26.2mi (which I am, but that's secondary), I'm excited to see my dear friend, Erika and her little family.  I'm excited to see Memphis - nothing like running through a city to see the sights!  I get to eat southern food!!!  I'm excited to then drive up to Louisville, KY to see my mom, dad, and brother.  We'll celebrate my dad's and my birthdays and Christmas.  It's going to be such a fun trip!

Before I get to any of these, though, I've got a 20miler to get through tomorrow.  Oh boy...

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