Thursday, October 18, 2012

long runs and taxes

There are a few things in life that you just cannot avoid.  As a runner, training for a marathon, one cannot avoid the long runs.  Long runs can range anywhere between 6mi - 22mi (or even longer if you're training for an Ultra Marathon - anything over the standard 26.2).  You recall a couple of weekends ago I ran two halves.  I counted that as a long run (and rightly so, I believe!).  Last weekend, I logged a slow, ugly 17miles.  This week, I've a 20miler on the schedule.

Long runs aren't meant to be easy; let me tell you they are not.  But they are absolutely necessary - for me, anyway.  I've heard of some people who never run farther than a half in training and go run a full marathon...more power to 'em.  I have to work hard for my marathons!  And I'm glad for that, I like seeing my hard work pay off.

Before the long run, I pack up my Camelbak, 3-4 Gu's, my phone, my ID bracelet, and another form of energy supplement (candy, shotbloks, gum, honey packets, etc).  I think about where I'm going to run, if there will be sidewalks, if there will be hills.  I worry about what the weather will be like and what I should wear.  But when the day of the long run comes, I just go out there and get after it as best I can.

Perhaps the thought of logging 20mi or running for 3.5hrs seems unreasonable to you.  It did to me before I started training for marathons!  I would have tried to avoid something like that at all costs...  But now that I do crazy things like this, I'm finding that I don't want to avoid these runs.  I want to pay my dues to make my experience at the marathon a good one.

Now, has anyone seen a weather report for Boston on Saturday?  ;)

1 comment:

grandma dek said...

A couple from church have a son who does 100milers-last weekend they actually watched. Usually they wait for a phone call in the middle of the night-they start at like 6am and finish the next day at 2-3AM-CRAzy the mother says! He ran 75 and walked about 25 he said. Some folks start walking at mile 37 but they DO finish somehow. New meaning to the word "persistence"! Love, Aunt D