Tuesday, November 6, 2012

a night of firsts and one last

There were a few firsts I noticed on my run last night (please note, some are firsts just for the season):

First time I wore my tights.  Relatedly, this was the first time I realized they didn't have a pocket.

First time I wore a winter weight shirt and an ear band.

First time it was in the 30's.  Brrrr!

First time it was d.a.r.k. dark before I even left my house.

Which leads to the first time I wore my ultra cool reflective vest.

First time I ran after my latest half marathon.  Relatedly, first time both of my IT Bands were painful.

First time my left leg hurt more than my right.

First time I used my foam roller AS SOON AS I walked in the house.

First time I wanted to either pass out or throw up from the pain.

First time I combined quinoa, brussel sprouts, candied walnuts, and sweet potatoes for dinner...but not the last.  Yum.

Last time I ran as a 32 year old.  Today I turn (shock and horror...) 33!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night was the first time Tim ran with his flashing armband thing because it was already dark. (I run in the late morning and avoid this problem. I have enough motivation problems without it being dark, too.)

Last week I broke out the tights for the first time and I personally was happy. I kind of dislike my shorts and capris, but I always feel sporty in my tights. :)

Sorry about your vomitous pain.

Happy 33!!