Thursday, November 8, 2012


Tuesday I turned 33!  I think this is when I start feeling like I'm old...  In my late 20's/early 30's I could still pretend I was younger.  But perhaps now it's actually time to grow up.  Well, we'll see about that... ;)

I had a great day filled with texts, emails, phone calls, and facebook posts wishing me a joyous day.  And that's just what I had.  I started the day with a free (thank goodness for gold cards!) venti skinny vanilla latte and a scone - I was feeling particularly naughty - from Starbucks.  And also with a gift and flowers from my incredibly sweet and thoughtful roommate.  Awwww!

I headed over to the polls to cast my vote...but there were a few paperwork issues that needed to be worked out.  Namely that *apparently* I hadn't sent in a census since 2008 (or voted...) so they took me completely off the "ever have ever lived in Wakefield ever" list of residents. Thankfully a quick call to the Town Hall and I was able to fill out a form, then fill out my ballot.  My town didn't have any stickers so I got the free bracelet from Starbucks and that was how I let people know that I had exercised my right to vote.  

I also had lunch with a friend at a new place near where I work called Burton's Grille.  It was delicious!  Since calories don't count on birthdays, I had a burger with salsa, pepper jack cheese, and avocado.  Holy Yum.  

After work I headed up to a friend's house where she and another friend made me and Jocelyn (whose bday was the day before mine) pizza and pie!  A delicious and delightful evening.  We also kept a close watch on the polls...  But didn't stay up to see the final decision, I learned about that in the morning.

Andrew made the crust and pie from scratch!  Harley didn't help at all...  :)

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