Monday, November 12, 2012

ready or not

Well, friends, this marathon is happening in just under three weeks - whether I'm ready or not!  And quite honestly, the truth is that I am not.  I have not felt this under-prepared for a marathon ever.  I never did get a full 20mi run in...  That is the biggest mental hurdle for me.  Physically, I do think I can do it - at turtle speed - but it's getting to the finish mentally that I'm most nervous about.  I psych myself out more often than not.

I did a final long run on Saturday - 17.5mi.  Which sounds like a LOT, right?  But consider the fact that there is another 9mi that I have to run.  And I was done after these.  I'm hoping that it's being so alone during these training runs that is getting to me.  The fact that there are tons of others running Memphis will certainly help, I'm sure of it.

I was incredibly spoiled training for Boston with some great friends.  The training for Memphis has been brutally lonely.  I've missed the camaraderie and support that comes with training with others on the hours-long training runs.  Perhaps I'll try to recruit some friends to run my next marathon with me...  Anyone?  Anyone?  :)

So now come the taper weeks.  The weeks of trying to stay healthy, trying to stay in the game mentally, trying not to psych myself out of finishing the full 26.2.  Ready or not, Memphis Marathon, I'm comin'! 


Jerry said...

hey Babe I know you can do it!!

Anonymous said...

You will be fine, once you are around all those people it will make a big difference. But, training is definately more fun when your running 20 miles with someone else!
