Monday, November 25, 2013

does a body good

Nope, not milk. Although, yes milk, as well. But I'm talking about a run in the cold, crisp, sunshine. Today a friend and I took off for a run at lunchtime. (Have I mentioned that I'm so glad to work at a place that I can do that?!) It was somewhere in the twenties, but the sun was shining, clear and bright, and there was not a cloud in the sky.

I haven't been running regularly since - well, for a long time. At least a couple of months. And I really  need to get back into it. I'm planning to register for this marathon in the next few days. Not to mention I need some semblance of sanity and order to return to my life. I feel far too off balance without a regular exercise/running routine.

As we headed out today, I just keep thinking one thing: AHHHHHH. This feels so good. So. Good. And despite the red cheeks, runny nose, and frozen fingers that come with winter running, there is also a intangible magical thing about it, too. There is something about the clearness and the crispness in the air. That doesn't happen in the summer when it's a billion percent humidity. When I pull on my tights, mittens, hat, and running jacket and head out the door into the cold air, something happens to my spirit. I immediately feel better.

Yes, there are days when it's grey and so windy that even the shortest run is miserable...but then there are the days, like today, when it is just good. And it does my body, and my mind!, so much good. May you experience the good of getting out for physical activity during these cold winter months that lay ahead.

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