It's so cliche - but time seems to speed up as we get older. I have no clue how the last three months slipped by but here we are, approaching May!
It was a long, cold winter here in the Northeast and while we did have snow on April 16th (seriously.), I believe spring has finally taken hold. Lots of flowers sprouting up, buds on the trees, and sunshine-y days. I spent a lot of the last three months running about 1-2 days a week, and doing Insanity or T25 3-4 days a week. Even with that little bit of running, I ran a PR at the Hyannis Half Marathon (one I was not even expecting to run but did so at the last minute). My new time-to-beat is 2:04:19. Wahoo!!
This weekend I have another half marathon, this one is the Twin Lights Half Marathon in Gloucester. A few others from my Life Community group from church are doing this one with me, I'm very excited! I'm not expecting to run a PR, but it should be a great day and a beautiful course!
In two and a half weeks time, I have marathon number 6...whoa. Writing that, it just got way too real... A week or so ago, John and I went up to check out the course. Parking at the finish we ran the course backwards - he went out 10mi, I went out 7mi. It was cold and windy, but at least I know what the end of the marathon will look like, I know that'll help at the end - when I think I might die.
This past Monday was the Boston Marathon. You're sure to have read on some media outlet or another that it was a glorious day and went incredibly smoothly. I will admit that while watching coverage, I shed more than a couple tears. Tears of joy, sadness, remembrance, celebration, especially when Meb won the men's race. It seemed incredibly fitting somehow, that an American won this year.
I was out on a long run of my own that day, the last one before Maine Coast. Even though it was in the low 60's when I went out the door, I still wore my long-sleeved Boston Marathon shirt. It felt right.
Well, that's caught you up on life, training, and upcoming races! I'll try not to let another three months pass before checking in again. ;)
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