Wednesday, September 24, 2014


This is happening. For real. The NYC Marathon is just 38.5 days away!! I don't think I've been this excited for a race (especially a marathon) since Boston. After 5 years of dreaming, in 5.5wks my dream will come true. I will run through all five boroughs, enjoy the crowds, and get my finisher's medal in Central Park. I canNOT wait.

Everyone I've talked to who has run this race says to just enjoy it. Soak in the crowds, pay attention to the differences in the neighborhoods, talk to other runners. I'm not anticipating a record breaking race for me (I always say that, don't I?), but rather I want to do all the things above. I want this to be an experience that I will talk about like I talk about Boston - if you haven't heard me talk about it, I consistently say it was one of the very best days of my life, and still gets me choked up when I think about it.

I still have a few more long runs, and two more half marathons, in the training plan. I still have some planning to do with the schedule for the weekend. I still need to figure out how to carry my fuel with their rule of no packs. I still need to figure out what I'm going to wear!! All this will get taken care of, no doubt. Right now, I can focus on getting as ready as I can to have a fun, awesome experience.

That currently consists of eating well (again, I am working on a post about this...), diligently cross-training, and getting in 3 runs a week. It will inevitably consist of saying no to something fun so I can have time for a run or workout and saying no to something tasty and delicious, but currently placed on the "can't have" list.

So even though I may be Captain No-Fun for 38.5 days, on November 2nd it will all be worth it.

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