Tuesday, May 6, 2008

pulled leg muscle

As evidenced by my lack of posts lately, you can tell I've been busy! Last week was full of preparing for a Missions Training Retreat, the weekend was the Retreat, and yesterday was sleeping off the Retreat.

Unfortunately, I believe I have majorly pulled a muscle in the back of my knee. You know the one that connects the back of your thigh to your calf...that one. It's hard to extend it, but also hurts to have it bent. I'm hoping that if I rest it during the day then work it out for half an hour, it will get better and stronger. If not, I suppose I'll have to go to the doctor, which is not something I enjoy!

Despite some pain with that I have continued to work out. Last Thursday was a really nice day so I took advantage and ran the lake, 4mi. This was prior to my leg hurting... It was during the retreat that I started noticing stiffness.

Yesterday, I went to the gym thinking that the Eliptical machine would probably be the best because it's not as intense as running. After 35 min of that, I felt good so I hopped on a treadmill and ran for about 15 min and walked for 15 min. I immediately regretted that as my leg was hurting pretty bad near the end.

I do plan on going to the gym tonight because a friend of mine is coming too! Should be fun! But I plan on walking on the treadmill or doing the eliptical...no running for me until my leg feels better. Blast!

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