Tuesday, January 6, 2009

riley the retriever

I've heard the rumors about tons of people joining the gym in January in the hopes of keeping their New Year's resolutions to finally drop that 10 pounds that just won't go away.  Being that I've never really been to the gym myself in January, I didn't hold much stock in that...until tonight.  

Every single treadmill at the gym was in use along with nearly every eliptical.  Jennifer (who, hooray!, joined my gym) was to be meeting me there tonight so we could talk while working out...but there was no two machines next to each other!  Craziness.  Usually when I get to the gym at 5:30pm there is hardly anyone there.  But, it's January after all.

One more random thing from today:  For a couple of years now, I have seen a couple walk this beautiful dog.  A huge golden retriever.  They are the most dedicated dogwalkers I have ever seen.  They walk this dog in the rain, snow, freezing cold, and the hottest, muggiest days.  Mornings, afternoons, evenings...this dog gets more walks, he's probably the envy of all his dog friends.  

So today after walking over to my landlord's house to pay the rent (yes, I know it's the 6th...), here comes the dog and the couple.  I stepped onto the sidewalk behind them and the dog swung around and nuzzled right into me.  I couldn't help myself from saying how I had seen them for years and thought how dedicated they were at walking their dog, who's name turns out to be Riley and he's a 90lb golden.  The husband jokingly asked if I would like to walk him for them and I said I'd be happy to run with him!!  I gave Riley a few more rubs and scratches and the couple continued their dogwalking, I returned to my house.

I tell this story because for years I have lived in this neighborhood and I know not one of my neighbors.  I think that is sad.  Pastor Bryan in his sermon yesterday said we as Christians should greet others warmly and show hospitality.  Well, Paul says to greet one another with a Holy kiss...but that just isn't happening.  Anyway, as I listened I felt like it wasn't just the people that I go to church with that I should be treating that way, but also my neighbors, the people who work across the hall from me (they aren't Grace Chapel people), the cashiers and baggers at the grocery store....  Being hospitable and greeting people warmly go a long way!  A must do for all those who love Him.

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