Thursday, March 12, 2009

not a good week

Don't get me wrong. I've had a really great week, at work, hanging with friends, middle school... But it has not been a good week for running. In fact, Sunday's walk around the lake is my only workout for this week. (the shame, the horror...the gnashing of teeth!!!!)

It all started on Monday...when I forgot my running shoes. I was going to make a stop at the gym but when I went to get changed, I realized I was missing an important part of my gear. My worn out old Rocket Dogs are just not fit for running... That combined with a girlfriend coming over early after work for small group made for an evening with no run.

Tuesday, after having dinner with two, well, three if you count their daughter, which I do. So after having dinner with three good friends, we got sucked into the vortex of American Idol. They have FINALLY narrowed it down and this is when it gets interesting. So, I forgo-ed another workout.

Last night, I don't really have a good reason. It was the usual Middle School night. Lots of craziness, running around, all to the soundtrack of Europe's Final Countdown (which will be stuck in my head for days...). Then the night was turned over to me when I taught from the Youth Alpha course on "How does God Guide Us?" It was interesting to review my life and see how God has been guiding me in many ways and to be able to share that with the kids and staff. Brian (the MS pastor) took notes and informed me that we could debrief it on Friday. Can't wait. I had great feedback so I hope he won't be too harsh.

Now I must get back to it tonight. I plan on hitting up the lake route (maybe 4.5, maybe 6.2) tonight after work. It's a bit chilly but at least it's light out!!!

Oh, one other update. I'm no longer participating in the race on Sunday (much disappointment). I have some responsibilities at church that I need to be around on Sunday. These things are all very exciting and important but I'm a little bummed about not getting to attend the race on Sunday.

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