Thursday, February 4, 2010

marathon man returns

Guess who I ran with (well, okay, behind!) on Tuesday night?!?!?! You'll never guess....okay, you will because it's the title of this post. Marathon man! He came up behind me just as the pretty side of the lake was starting and I kept pace with him until I turned off to run through town. Kinda made my night. :)

For those of you who don't know about marathon man, he is someone I see every late winter/early spring running the lake. I don't see him any other time of year. He is very slender, light on his feet and fast. For these reasons I believe that he is training for the Boston Marathon each spring. I could be totally wrong...but each spring, there he is. This year is no exception.

Another funny thing happened as I was just beginning my run. I was in town and a mother was trying to get her two children out of her van, the younger one (maybe she was 2?) was first. She was walking down the sidewalk, sweet as could be, while her mom was trying to get her older sister out of the car and keep an eye on her as well. The mom kept saying, "Bethany, stay here!" Finally the older sister (prob around 4) says, "Bethany Marie, you come back here!" just as I was passing the scene. Well, Bethany Marie thought it would be fun to join me in my run so she started running after me! I heard the mom say behind me, "No, you can't run with her!!" Too funny.

Now onto the training update/shin splint update: Tuesday night was GREAT!! I got all ready to go to the gym after work but changed my mind when I realized how nice it was outside (this is relative, I know. By nice here I mean, 30deg, no wind). When I got home I quickly changed my clothes again and went for a 6.5miler. (9:30min/mile - thanks, marathon man!) Wednesday I went to the gym after small group. It was an internal struggle to even get there...I SO just wanted to go home. I hopped on the treadmill and only a mile in realized that my shins were hurting...again. When I'm outside they don't, when I'm on the treadmill, they do. I sense a theme. Well, I was only able to get 2miles in (12min/mile) before I called it quits and headed home.

I had every intention of getting up early this am to run before work but forgot to turn my alarm on. Coincidence? Hmmmmm. Planning to get another 6.5 or so in tonight before having dinner with a friend. Tomorrow is another day to try and get up early. I'll keep you posted. Literally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That girl could have done the Run for All Ages with us!