Friday, June 17, 2011

it's official

It's offical:  I'm a runner.  Not sure if there was any doubt before...  But it's even more official now.  Why, you ask?  Well, because today in the mail I received a piece of mail from (wait for it.........) The Boston Athletic Association.  The Boston Athletic Association that puts on a little race we like to call The Boston Marathon.

The BAA started out as a running club over 120 years ago in 1887.  It was this club that put together the Boston Marathon, running the first one on April 19th, 1897 with just 15 runners.  Found on the BAA website:  According to Article II of the B.A.A.'s 1890 Yearbook Constitution, their objective was to "encourage all manly sports and promote physical culture."  Apparently, running is a manly sport.  :)

Manly sport or not, lots of women run too!  (Did you know that more women ran a half marathon in 2010 than men?  Now you do.)  Including myself.  And I'm a real runner now.  Because I got that piece of mail.

Wanna know what it was?!  I'm sure you're breathless with anticipation.  I signed up to run the inaugural BAA 10K on June 26th!  (What's up with me and inaugural runs this year?  First Kalamazoo, now this!)  Anyway, I was super excited to see the envelope in my mailbox; disappointed to see that the mailman had folded it to get it in my box (the envelope clearly states "DO NOT BEND"); and delighted to see my name printed on my bib.  Here's the contents (that proves that I'm a real runner, lest we forget...):


1 comment:

John said...

I was super excited when my number arrived with my name too!