Tuesday, November 22, 2011

challenges: accepted

It should come as no surprise to any of you loyal readers that I enjoy reading Runner's World online.  There are tons of articles with tips, hints, recipes, etc.  There's a hilarious (usually) blog that I read every day by Mark Remy; whom I met at the Runner's World Boston party:

Kirsten, me and my favorite RW blogger

While skimming through some articles the other day I came across a streaking challenge...it's probably NOT what you're thinking.  Gross.  The challenge is this:  Run at least one mile, everyday, Thanksgiving through New Year's Day, even if it's just one mile.  I wasn't sure I would accept this challenge...there's a lot of laundry involved.  But the thought of accepting and accomplishing the challenge is what pushed me over the edge.  I do love a good challenge!  :)

Here in this blog, I'd love for you dear readers to be my accountability.  I will post each day (or every other day...) the mileage I've run.  And instead of waiting until Thursday to begin, I figured why not start on Monday?  So yesterday I ran 5.08mi with my roommate.  Let the streaking begin!!!

Aaaaaaaaaand, one last bit of challenge news:  This morning I found out that I WILL BE RUNNING THE BOSTON MARATHON IN APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is exciting and terrifying and crazy news!  I'll be running for the Michael Lisnow Respite Center and raising money for them.  You'll find out more about how you can be a part of my journey to Hopkinton soon.  For now, let's just let the news that I'll be running Boston sink in...

1 comment:

Carol Hochhalter said...

I wonder if I could do that. Run one mile a day. I think I could.

I'm thrilled for you, that you will be running the Boston! Proud to say "that's my cousin!"
