Tuesday, November 22, 2011

how you can help

WOW.  It seems that I got your attention...  Yesterday, I had the most visitors to my blog, ever.  Thanks for all of the encouragement and kind words about getting a number to run Boston!  I'm so thankful that I have a ton of support.  It really does mean a lot!

Now for the big ask:  Would you not only support my training efforts, but my fundraising efforts as well?  I am running for the Michael Lisnow Respite Center, a place that offers families some time off from the emotional and physical care needed by their children.  See more info about the Respite Center below:

The mission of the Center is to create a home away from home for children and adults with disabilities, a place that offers parents time off from the emotional and physical care needed by their children. Sharon Lisnow and Mary McQueeney, special education teachers, began working toward fulfilling the dream of The Respite Center. In 1994 they were given a parcel of land where they built a 6000 square foot home. Due to the generosity of the community, businesses, foundations and individuals who shared their dream, the home opened in 1997 free of debt. Sharon’s son, Michael, who was born 16 weeks premature, weighing just one pound, is the inspiration for the Center. Michael’s premature birth caused him to have cerebral palsy and left him blind. Michael lived for ten wonderful, yet difficult years. He died one year shy of the opening of the center.
When the Respite Center opened we served only four children. This last year we were able to provide over 120,000 hours of respite care (a 23% increase) and build additions on two of our four group homes. This allowed us to increase our capacity. We continue to run an organization free of debt. Our goal is to continue to increase respite and support services for families trying to survive the challenges of raising a child with disabilities. Family support is one of many items that have suffered large state budget cuts. Requests for our help have never been greater.  

Look to the right and you will see an easy way to donate, and what your donations will be used for!  All donations go directly to the care of the children, each dollar you donate will benefit a family directly.  Please help me raise money for this amazing organization!

I'll be updating you on the fundraising, the training, the ups and downs of it all.  I hope you'll come along with me and join in my journey!  Thanks again for all the encouragement, excitement and support!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Might you tell us how you came to choose this particular charity? I am intrigued!