Wednesday, September 26, 2012

the middle miles

A while ago, I posted about the early miles.  On my long run this past weekend, I spent some time thinking about the middle miles of a run/race.  You're warmed up, your breathing is regulated, your legs are just going through the motions.  You're not thinking about your pace anymore.  You're not thinking about whether or not you wore the right clothing - it is what it is at this point.  I usually begin to feel this way between miles 5-7 on a really long run like this past weekend or a marathon.

I start thinking about other things going on in my life.  If I'm alone, it's typically my prayer time, when I talk to God about my feelings, my friends, things that are weighing on my heart.  I get into such a rhythm that I don't have to think anymore about what I'm doing and, if I'm on a route that I do often, where I'm going.  It's comfortable, it's easy, it's awesome.  When I'm with a running buddy, this is when we have our best conversation.  Neither of us are thinking about what came before in the early miles or what is to come in the late miles (more on that in a later post).

The middle miles are all about enjoying the here and now.  It feels good.  You've gotten past the hard part, but the toughest part is yet to come.  For now, just relax, take it easy, enjoy the scenery, and keep running.

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