Sunday, January 13, 2013

flashback friday - european vacation #2

I know, I know.  I'm a couple days make up for it, I'm giving you two pictures today!  Lucky!

The first is during our layover in London's Heathrow Airport.  I'd never been on a trans-Atlantic flight so I didn't realize there were a few perks awaiting you on the plane, kind of like a swag bag for flying.  :)  A few things in the swag bag:  sock, pillow, blanket, toothpaste/brush, and these fine lookin' eye covers.  I admit I didn't get much sleep on the plane (movies on a plane?!) but did take a nap during the layover before we boarded our next flight to Frankfurt, Germany.

After a night in Frankfurt, we headed out to begin our tour of the Heart of Europe.  First stop:  Heidelberg, Germany.  Heidelberg Castle to be more specific.  The only reference I had for Heidelberg was the catechism that I had to learn during Sunday School as a high school student at my church.  I knew nothing of the town or the castle.  Turns out the castle has one of the largest drums of wine in the world, and back in the day (like waaaay back - 1500's) wine-makers had to bring wine to the castle as a tax payment.  Huh.  There's lots more info I don't know about the castle (or schloss, if you prefer) but you can find more historical info here.  Shockingly (or not so), I played the goof while touring the castle.  There's one in every crowd...

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