Friday, March 16, 2012

what's more exciting?

As I was running with a friend the other day (my second run of the day), we got to talking about the Great Bay Half Marathon on April 7th.  This will be her very first half.  And it will also be the first half for three of our other friends.  I started getting very excited for them...I think I might be more excited about the race than they are! 

Since then I've been thinking about what I'm more excited about - my marathon or their very first half marathon.  To tell you the truth, I'm split down the middle!!!  While I'm SO excited for Boston (don't get me wrong), the thought of running with friends and seeing them accomplish something that they've wanted to do for a long time or never thought they could do....that's pretty stinkin' awesome.

No matter what the distance, course, time, etc, accomplishing a goal is a huge deal.  Whether it's the first or fiftieth, it's still a major achievement.  So while I'm so excited for my marathon, I am equally excited for the half marathon we're all running on April 7th.  Maybe after that the enormity of running The Boston will hit me...  :)

Tomorrow morning three friends and I will head out on their final long run in preparation for Great Bay.  It'll be an LSD of 12 awesome miles - I can't wait!  And to celebrate the last long run, we'll enjoy a delicious second breakfast together - I can't wait for that, either.

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