Friday, June 8, 2012

flashback friday #3

Ahhh, fourth grade.  What I remember most about this year is that this was the turning point for me.  I no longer felt like a kid, I was growing up!  I turned 9 years old, which is practically grown up.  I remember starting to care about what I looked like and what I wore.  I didn't let my mom put braids in my hair or choose my outfit.  Those earrings?  Picked out by yours truly.

It was about this time that I began to compare myself to my friends and schoolmates.  I noticed when I looked, dressed, did my hair differently than them.  There began to be a divide between the popular kids and the not-so popular kids.  I desperately wanted to be with the first group, who didn't?!  At this point, I wasn't part of either group...not pretty/sporty enough to be popular; not nerdy/smart enough to be not-so popular.

This was also the year that I became a poor student (I started early enough don't you think?).  I remember that I began getting homework and because I didn't like doing homework, I wouldn't do it.  That set a trend that I'm not too proud of to this day.  Life lesson from fourth grade:  get in the habit of doing your homework! 

There it is, fourth grade in a nutshell.  Next week:  5th grade (and it's a doozy!)

Flashback Friday #2

Flashback Friday #1

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