Thursday, June 7, 2012

national running day!

Yesterday, June 6th, was officially National Running Day!  I couldn't let this day go by without heading out for a run - I mean, what kind of runner would I be if I had?  A very bad one, that's what.

After work, my coworker Megan and I headed out on the Minuteman Bikeway for a few miles.  Megan is currently training for the Marine Corps Marathon.  I am training for the Memphis Marathon, and a few other (11!) half marathons...we've established that already, though.  Oh, you missed it?  Find out what it's all about here.

Here are a few pics from our NRD run.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Megs said...

How did I miss this update. I didn't even see you snap the picture of me stretching.