Tomorrow is the big day! Check the race website ( with this bib number for my progress!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
countdown to memphis #6
First meal in Memphis, baby! Just after picking up our race swag at the expo, Erika and I headed to Beale St for some lunch. Fried pickles and nachos covered in cheese sauce, pulled BBQ pork, and jalapeƱos. So so so so good. Don't get me wrong, it's terrible...but oh so good. Sometimes you just need to be bad... ;)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
countdown to memphis #5
Gu! This is what I'll consume during the marathon...a gel substance that's packed with energy and minerals. I went to REI recently to stock up, preparing to carry four Gu (Gu's, Gus?) with me during the race. However, upon reading the race packet, they will be providing Gu at 4 points along the way - 9, 15, 18, 24. This is perfect! I won't have to pin my own to my pants!
I do hope that they have the flavors I like. The fruity ones are mostly good (except for Lemon-Lime, blech!) but there are a few I will watch out for (Peanut Butter and Vanilla Pudding). The two that are not fruity that I especially like are Mint Chocolate and Chocolate Outrage. Yum.
I do hope that they have the flavors I like. The fruity ones are mostly good (except for Lemon-Lime, blech!) but there are a few I will watch out for (Peanut Butter and Vanilla Pudding). The two that are not fruity that I especially like are Mint Chocolate and Chocolate Outrage. Yum.
countdown to memphis,
memphis marathon
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
countdown to memphis #4
Is Memphis hilly? Will it be a tough course? Are the last seven miles all down hill? What is the elevation change on the course? Today's picture will answer all these questions. See below.
And this:
Also, if you're interested in tracking me, you can do so on race morning. There is no text or email alert system so you'll have to go to the website: and type in my bib number:
Countdown to Memphis #3
Countdown to Memphis #2
Countdown to Memphis #1
And this:
Also, if you're interested in tracking me, you can do so on race morning. There is no text or email alert system so you'll have to go to the website: and type in my bib number:
Have you missed the other photos? Find them below.Countdown to Memphis #3
Countdown to Memphis #2
Countdown to Memphis #1
countdown to memphis,
memphis marathon
Monday, November 26, 2012
countdown to memphis #3
carbo loading,
countdown to memphis,
memphis marathon
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
countdown to memphis #1
Remember last April when we counted down to the Boston Marathon with some pictures? That was fun, let's do that again. Because in just one week, I'll be running (like, I'll be running right now) the Memphis St. Jude Marathon! Wahoo!
So here's the first picture. It's self explanatory. And awesome.
So here's the first picture. It's self explanatory. And awesome.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Do you know what today is? It's National Hug A Runner Day! Normally, I would not welcome lots of hugs...but in the name of running? Absolutely. Hug away. :)
If not me, then hug the runner closest to you and thank them for the unending stories they tell you of their latest training run/marathon/cross training session/carboloading session/new shoes/etc. Let this be the one day your eyes don't gloss over when we regale you with mile by mile recaps.
To all my fellow runners out there: ((((((((((HUGS))))))))) Have a great NHAR Day. It's your day!
If not me, then hug the runner closest to you and thank them for the unending stories they tell you of their latest training run/marathon/cross training session/carboloading session/new shoes/etc. Let this be the one day your eyes don't gloss over when we regale you with mile by mile recaps.
To all my fellow runners out there: ((((((((((HUGS))))))))) Have a great NHAR Day. It's your day!
Monday, November 19, 2012
I love my friends! When I see my friends succeed at something, I get really excited. And proud. I think, "That guy/gal right there? Yep, that's my friend." Over the past few months, I've been really proud of some of my friends:
- JM did a triathlon and loved it.
- Jocelyn ran her second half marathon and crushed her PR.
- Brenda also ran her second half marathon and PR'ed (and let me run with her the whole way).
- Brian just ran Philly and PR'ed by over 15min!
- Meghan ran a race she didn't think she was ready for, did it anyway, and had fun doing it (she even blogged about it!).
- John absolutely smashed his marathon PR at Philly yesterday and qualified for Boston - by 2 minutes!!!!!
- Corri ran a 10K, her second race but the first time she ran the whole way and didn't stop to walk.
- Karyn is back to running after having a baby and will run her first race back on Thursday.
- Nearly half of my Life Community group from church is running the Feaster Five this Thanksgiving - and many of them would not consider themselves runners!
Friday, November 16, 2012
slow it down
I slowed down today. Instead of going for a run, I took a walk. It was a blue-sky-sunshiney kind of day and even though it was a bit cool, I wanted to get out and enjoy it. So at lunchtime, I headed off to the Minuteman Bikeway for a couple of miles. It was nice to just enjoy the day, not to try and beat a time or hit a goal. Just to be.
Since it was such a nice day, I couldn't help but snap a few pics. For your viewing pleasure!
Since it was such a nice day, I couldn't help but snap a few pics. For your viewing pleasure!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
a couple answers, a few tips
Disclaimer: I've been running for a while...but this by no means makes me an expert at it. I have things that work for me, and if they happen to work for others that's great, if not well then, you'll just have to find what works for you!
I've had a few people recently ask me how I got started running and why I continued and what tips would I have for a newbie. This might be a good place to share some of those answers.
How I got started:
I ran off and on before moving to Boston. But it wasn't a lifestyle, it was a chore. Once I relocated here and spent a couple years in a row cheering at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, I knew that I wanted to be a runner. But, HOW?! That was the challenging part. The answer was this: slowly. I started with just one mile, slowly worked my way up to two (it took a few weeks...), then I got to three. I ran three miles and was completely satisfied. Until...
Why I continued:
A friend convinced me to run a race. It was a 5K, but she wanted me to legit run it and not take it easy like I normally would if I was left alone. After that 5K, I realized how much fun racing - against myself, mind you - could be. When this same friend decided to run a half marathon a year or so later, I just had to join in the fun as well! And then when she decided to run a marathon a year later...well, you get the idea. And here we are, 7 years later, still running and still racing. It's no longer the chore that it used to be. It's a great way for me to clear my mind, enjoy some fresh air, and once in a while, spend time with a friend.
5 tips for new runners:
I've had a few people recently ask me how I got started running and why I continued and what tips would I have for a newbie. This might be a good place to share some of those answers.
How I got started:
I ran off and on before moving to Boston. But it wasn't a lifestyle, it was a chore. Once I relocated here and spent a couple years in a row cheering at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, I knew that I wanted to be a runner. But, HOW?! That was the challenging part. The answer was this: slowly. I started with just one mile, slowly worked my way up to two (it took a few weeks...), then I got to three. I ran three miles and was completely satisfied. Until...
Why I continued:
A friend convinced me to run a race. It was a 5K, but she wanted me to legit run it and not take it easy like I normally would if I was left alone. After that 5K, I realized how much fun racing - against myself, mind you - could be. When this same friend decided to run a half marathon a year or so later, I just had to join in the fun as well! And then when she decided to run a marathon a year later...well, you get the idea. And here we are, 7 years later, still running and still racing. It's no longer the chore that it used to be. It's a great way for me to clear my mind, enjoy some fresh air, and once in a while, spend time with a friend.
5 tips for new runners:
- Get good shoes. My absolute number one suggestion is to have a good foundation when you begin. If you run in the sneakers you've had since high school, you might save some money but you won't be doing your body any favors and you probably won't keep running due to all the aches and pains those old shoes helped create. There aren't a lot of costs related to running, but this is an important one.
- Start slow. Running is all about layers. Build a good base and you've got a great start to get faster and run farther. Don't expect to be able to run 3mi the first time you go out. Once you've got a good base (running 3-4mi, 3 to 4 times a week for about 2mos), you're ready to build on your distance. There are tons of great training plans out there (Couch25K, Couch210K, Runners World, Hal Higdon), find one that works for you and stick to it. Trying to cut corners or going too far too soon will only lead to injury.
- Find your own pace. You are not going to win the race. Unless you are Shalane Flanagan or Ryan Hall. For me, it's all about racing myself. I want to beat times that I've set at certain distances or particular races. Sure, I like to keep people in my view (and try to beat them at the end) if I feel like they are running at a similar pace as me, but if I can see that they are an 8mi/miler and I'm a 9:30min/miler then there's no way I'll beat them. And that is okay.
- Set a goal. I'm a big believer of working toward something. If I didn't have a race to look forward to, I might find every excuse in the book to get out of a workout. But knowing that I'm going to run whatever race in 4mos puts a little fire under my bum to motivate me. It doesn't have to be a race. It could be a goal time or distance. Just something to work towards.
- Have some accountability. Ask a friend to join you once a week. At least you'll get one run in a week! ;) Or share your running stories with people online. Studies have shown that people are 1billion % more likely to do something if they've got accountability. (This study was conducted in my imagination and has not been scientifically proven.)
tips for new runners,
why i run
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
a meetup meet up
It's hard to make friends when you don't have a supply of people that are just like you within arms reach (I'm talking about the high school/college/grad school bubble). Your friends' life circumstances can change quickly, and if your circumstances don't change with them, you'll find yourself with a lot of really great friends that you just don't share life experiences with anymore.
I have a friend that this is happening to, see... So this friend, in the interest of "putting herself out there" and "meeting new people," decided to not only join a meetup group, but actually meet up with a meetup group. It was conveniently happening right in her town on a night that she was conveniently free, and so she plucked up her courage and did it. It helped that it was a running group, something she does. It also helped that they met along her normal running route, because she would have been running that anyway.
Here's what went down... Waiting in the designated spot were two gentlemen both dressed in casual sporty (and dark - a big no-no!) attire. She was a little bit early and so she waited to see if it was just the two of them or if another woman was going to be there too. The thought of a dark run with two guys she didn't know wasn't the best laid plan for meeting new people. Eventually two other women also showed up and off the five of them went. It wasn't the most challenging of runs, but it was fun for her to run with other people, especially after some long, lonely weekend training runs. The five of them didn't have much in common, but what they did have in common was running, getting fit, and having fun. All in all, it was good for her to actually go (not get murdered) and to run with some other people. It's a weekly thing, so she has assured me she will try and get there as often as she can.
Now, is she the only one who feels this way? That when you get older it gets harder and harder to make friends? And not just friends, but to find people who enjoy similar things that you do? Perhaps other people feel this way too, but they are afraid to put themselves out there and to meet new people. Perhaps there should be a new meetup club just for them. And by them, obviously I mean me...
I have a friend that this is happening to, see... So this friend, in the interest of "putting herself out there" and "meeting new people," decided to not only join a meetup group, but actually meet up with a meetup group. It was conveniently happening right in her town on a night that she was conveniently free, and so she plucked up her courage and did it. It helped that it was a running group, something she does. It also helped that they met along her normal running route, because she would have been running that anyway.
Here's what went down... Waiting in the designated spot were two gentlemen both dressed in casual sporty (and dark - a big no-no!) attire. She was a little bit early and so she waited to see if it was just the two of them or if another woman was going to be there too. The thought of a dark run with two guys she didn't know wasn't the best laid plan for meeting new people. Eventually two other women also showed up and off the five of them went. It wasn't the most challenging of runs, but it was fun for her to run with other people, especially after some long, lonely weekend training runs. The five of them didn't have much in common, but what they did have in common was running, getting fit, and having fun. All in all, it was good for her to actually go (not get murdered) and to run with some other people. It's a weekly thing, so she has assured me she will try and get there as often as she can.
lake quannapowitt,
Monday, November 12, 2012
ready or not
Well, friends, this marathon is happening in just under three weeks - whether I'm ready or not! And quite honestly, the truth is that I am not. I have not felt this under-prepared for a marathon ever. I never did get a full 20mi run in... That is the biggest mental hurdle for me. Physically, I do think I can do it - at turtle speed - but it's getting to the finish mentally that I'm most nervous about. I psych myself out more often than not.
I did a final long run on Saturday - 17.5mi. Which sounds like a LOT, right? But consider the fact that there is another 9mi that I have to run. And I was done after these. I'm hoping that it's being so alone during these training runs that is getting to me. The fact that there are tons of others running Memphis will certainly help, I'm sure of it.
I was incredibly spoiled training for Boston with some great friends. The training for Memphis has been brutally lonely. I've missed the camaraderie and support that comes with training with others on the hours-long training runs. Perhaps I'll try to recruit some friends to run my next marathon with me... Anyone? Anyone? :)
So now come the taper weeks. The weeks of trying to stay healthy, trying to stay in the game mentally, trying not to psych myself out of finishing the full 26.2. Ready or not, Memphis Marathon, I'm comin'!
I did a final long run on Saturday - 17.5mi. Which sounds like a LOT, right? But consider the fact that there is another 9mi that I have to run. And I was done after these. I'm hoping that it's being so alone during these training runs that is getting to me. The fact that there are tons of others running Memphis will certainly help, I'm sure of it.
I was incredibly spoiled training for Boston with some great friends. The training for Memphis has been brutally lonely. I've missed the camaraderie and support that comes with training with others on the hours-long training runs. Perhaps I'll try to recruit some friends to run my next marathon with me... Anyone? Anyone? :)
So now come the taper weeks. The weeks of trying to stay healthy, trying to stay in the game mentally, trying not to psych myself out of finishing the full 26.2. Ready or not, Memphis Marathon, I'm comin'!
Friday, November 9, 2012
what winter storm?
Wednesday night the Northeast was hit with yet another storm. This one was a nasty Noreaster bringing high winds, rain, snow, and sleet. It was not pretty. Waking up yesterday morning to a few inches of snow and lashing sleet on my window wasn't my ideal beginning to November.
Before it really got going, I got right to it after work. I quickly changed into my winter gear and headed out for a loop around Lake Q. I was nervous about two things, the weather and my legs, so I decided to go the opposite way I normally do. I wanted to get a bit of the pretty side in case I needed to cut the run short and head home. Fortunately, my legs held out. So did the weather!
Halfway around the lake, the tiny snowflakes stopped falling and I was simply battling the wind. But by the time I got home, the wind had picked up and snow had begun falling in earnest.
Now, I knew the storm was coming so I was prepared to go to the gym after work but the thought of that was incredibly unpleasant, as usual. I was pleased that the weather held out just long enough for me to get 5mi in before it got really bad. I also felt pretty BA running outside in the dark in a Noreaster - just me and the three other runners I saw out there. (Don't know I wore my safety-first ultra cool reflective vest!)
Do you run through wind, snow, rain, and sleet? Or do you hit the treadmill?
![]() |
snowy, wet, windy, chilly morning |
Halfway around the lake, the tiny snowflakes stopped falling and I was simply battling the wind. But by the time I got home, the wind had picked up and snow had begun falling in earnest.
Now, I knew the storm was coming so I was prepared to go to the gym after work but the thought of that was incredibly unpleasant, as usual. I was pleased that the weather held out just long enough for me to get 5mi in before it got really bad. I also felt pretty BA running outside in the dark in a Noreaster - just me and the three other runners I saw out there. (Don't know I wore my safety-first ultra cool reflective vest!)
Do you run through wind, snow, rain, and sleet? Or do you hit the treadmill?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tuesday I turned 33! I think this is when I start feeling like I'm old... In my late 20's/early 30's I could still pretend I was younger. But perhaps now it's actually time to grow up. Well, we'll see about that... ;)
I had a great day filled with texts, emails, phone calls, and facebook posts wishing me a joyous day. And that's just what I had. I started the day with a free (thank goodness for gold cards!) venti skinny vanilla latte and a scone - I was feeling particularly naughty - from Starbucks. And also with a gift and flowers from my incredibly sweet and thoughtful roommate. Awwww!
I had a great day filled with texts, emails, phone calls, and facebook posts wishing me a joyous day. And that's just what I had. I started the day with a free (thank goodness for gold cards!) venti skinny vanilla latte and a scone - I was feeling particularly naughty - from Starbucks. And also with a gift and flowers from my incredibly sweet and thoughtful roommate. Awwww!
I headed over to the polls to cast my vote...but there were a few paperwork issues that needed to be worked out. Namely that *apparently* I hadn't sent in a census since 2008 (or voted...) so they took me completely off the "ever have ever lived in Wakefield ever" list of residents. Thankfully a quick call to the Town Hall and I was able to fill out a form, then fill out my ballot. My town didn't have any stickers so I got the free bracelet from Starbucks and that was how I let people know that I had exercised my right to vote.
I also had lunch with a friend at a new place near where I work called Burton's Grille. It was delicious! Since calories don't count on birthdays, I had a burger with salsa, pepper jack cheese, and avocado. Holy Yum.
After work I headed up to a friend's house where she and another friend made me and Jocelyn (whose bday was the day before mine) pizza and pie! A delicious and delightful evening. We also kept a close watch on the polls... But didn't stay up to see the final decision, I learned about that in the morning.
Andrew made the crust and pie from scratch! Harley didn't help at all... :)
burtons grille,
pumpkin pie,
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
a night of firsts and one last
There were a few firsts I noticed on my run last night (please note, some are firsts just for the season):
First time I wore my tights. Relatedly, this was the first time I realized they didn't have a pocket.
First time I wore a winter weight shirt and an ear band.
First time it was in the 30's. Brrrr!
First time it was d.a.r.k. dark before I even left my house.
Which leads to the first time I wore my ultra cool reflective vest.
First time I ran after my latest half marathon. Relatedly, first time both of my IT Bands were painful.
First time my left leg hurt more than my right.
First time I used my foam roller AS SOON AS I walked in the house.
First time I wanted to either pass out or throw up from the pain.
First time I combined quinoa, brussel sprouts, candied walnuts, and sweet potatoes for dinner...but not the last. Yum.
Last time I ran as a 32 year old. Today I turn (shock and horror...) 33!!
First time I wore my tights. Relatedly, this was the first time I realized they didn't have a pocket.
First time I wore a winter weight shirt and an ear band.
First time it was in the 30's. Brrrr!
First time it was d.a.r.k. dark before I even left my house.
Which leads to the first time I wore my ultra cool reflective vest.
First time I ran after my latest half marathon. Relatedly, first time both of my IT Bands were painful.
First time my left leg hurt more than my right.
First time I used my foam roller AS SOON AS I walked in the house.
First time I wanted to either pass out or throw up from the pain.
First time I combined quinoa, brussel sprouts, candied walnuts, and sweet potatoes for dinner...but not the last. Yum.
Last time I ran as a 32 year old. Today I turn (shock and horror...) 33!!
Monday, November 5, 2012
race recap #7
It was a beautiful day for a race yesterday! A little on the chilly side, but that's how it's going to be for the forseeable future. But the sun was shining, I had 2 friends running and 2 more cheering us on, and very fresh legs (considering I hadn't run in the 2wks prior). And I had a burger to look forward to at the end...
The All Women and One Lucky Guy Half Marathon was really enjoyable! Even though there were a TON of women - all decked out in pink and purple, sequins and sparkles - it wasn't as bad as I'd expected it to be. Not nearly as "girl-power!" as the Tufts 10K for Women is...
Number/T-shirt pick up was super easy, the volunteers incredibly friendly, and plenty of portopotties. :) The course was beautiful, lots of rolling hills but also some challenging ones. We ran through very rural parts of Newburyport and West Newbury. Lots of historic sites and ginormous new homes, as well. We even ran past an alpaca farm. In case you're keeping track, that 2 alpaca farms in the last 3 races. Who woulda thought?!
I ran with my friend, Brenda, the whole way which was so fun. I wasn't really excited about this race, but knowing that I'd have company (accountability not to shag it...) was incredibly motivating. By mile 7, we were both a little worn out, her foot was hurting and my knees (ITBands - blast!) were feeling stiff. We carried on, walked just a couple of times, did not walk during the last mile, and finished with a new PR for Brenda in 2:18.53. Not bad for not having really trained for this one!
This is a race that I would totally recommend to any lady out there thinking about running a half. It's not intimidating course-wise, it's very well run (no pun intended...), and the tour through these old towns is beautiful!
After the race, we picked up our freebies and our medals then headed into downtown Newburyport (The Port Tavern) for some delicious burgers and refreshment. It was well earned!
The All Women and One Lucky Guy Half Marathon was really enjoyable! Even though there were a TON of women - all decked out in pink and purple, sequins and sparkles - it wasn't as bad as I'd expected it to be. Not nearly as "girl-power!" as the Tufts 10K for Women is...
Number/T-shirt pick up was super easy, the volunteers incredibly friendly, and plenty of portopotties. :) The course was beautiful, lots of rolling hills but also some challenging ones. We ran through very rural parts of Newburyport and West Newbury. Lots of historic sites and ginormous new homes, as well. We even ran past an alpaca farm. In case you're keeping track, that 2 alpaca farms in the last 3 races. Who woulda thought?!
I ran with my friend, Brenda, the whole way which was so fun. I wasn't really excited about this race, but knowing that I'd have company (accountability not to shag it...) was incredibly motivating. By mile 7, we were both a little worn out, her foot was hurting and my knees (ITBands - blast!) were feeling stiff. We carried on, walked just a couple of times, did not walk during the last mile, and finished with a new PR for Brenda in 2:18.53. Not bad for not having really trained for this one!
This is a race that I would totally recommend to any lady out there thinking about running a half. It's not intimidating course-wise, it's very well run (no pun intended...), and the tour through these old towns is beautiful!
After the race, we picked up our freebies and our medals then headed into downtown Newburyport (The Port Tavern) for some delicious burgers and refreshment. It was well earned!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
the club
Well, I was pulled over today. Directly in front of my house. No lie...I turned the corner to pull into my driveway and the cop that was following me turned on his lights at that same moment.
As he strolled up to my window, we made eye contact in the mirror and since I knew why he was pulling me over, I was smirking just a bit. He told me my inspection sticker was over due and could he please see my license and registration. I handed them over and he said, "Do you still live at this address?" "Yes, literally right there." Then he smiled at me and said, "So, you're a marathon runner? Me, too. I've run a few." After he said this, he handed back my license and registration without even running them through the system.
What got me out of the ticket (or whatever he might have given me) was my 26.2 sticker on the back of my car. At times I've considered taking it off because it seems a bit boastful. I haven't because it reminds me, every time I look at the back of my car, that I can run a marathon! (It still blows my mind sometimes...)
Boy, I'm glad I haven't taken it off...Marathon Cop might have given me a ticket if he didn't know I belonged to the same Marathon Club that he does.
As he strolled up to my window, we made eye contact in the mirror and since I knew why he was pulling me over, I was smirking just a bit. He told me my inspection sticker was over due and could he please see my license and registration. I handed them over and he said, "Do you still live at this address?" "Yes, literally right there." Then he smiled at me and said, "So, you're a marathon runner? Me, too. I've run a few." After he said this, he handed back my license and registration without even running them through the system.
What got me out of the ticket (or whatever he might have given me) was my 26.2 sticker on the back of my car. At times I've considered taking it off because it seems a bit boastful. I haven't because it reminds me, every time I look at the back of my car, that I can run a marathon! (It still blows my mind sometimes...)
Boy, I'm glad I haven't taken it off...Marathon Cop might have given me a ticket if he didn't know I belonged to the same Marathon Club that he does.
inspection sticker,
marathon cop,
marathon sticker,
pulled over
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